This 7-week course helps couples to communicate more effectively, understand each other’s needs, resolve conflict, recognize how upbringing affects your relationship, develop greater sexual intimacy, and much, much more…
We’re excited to be able to offer this to you in the comfort of your own homes through supplied videos. Each week, you’ll be encouraged to make a date of it. Grab the candles, your favourite snacks (or even dinner!), and watch the video together. Our hope is that it strengthens your relationship for years to come.
Having to sit down and properly talk about things is certainly a game-changer, especially at the moment.
There’s no counseling, no airing of dirty linen in public, no group therapy – and it seems to work.
Sign up to the next course
Each week we’ll send you an email with a Zoom link to kick start the evening with our hosts and other attendees. You’ll also receive a link to the video to watch as a couple, followed by a chance to discuss what you have just watched together.
Sign up to the next course
Each week we’ll send you an email with a Zoom link to kick start the evening with our hosts and other attendees. You’ll also receive a link to the video to watch as a couple, followed by a chance to discuss what you have just watched together.