Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

As an organisation that works with children, young people and adults in need of care and support; we recognise our corporate responsibility to ensure that they are properly cared for and protected

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.”
Romans 12:10


Our commitment

As the church leadership team we recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and adults with additional care and support needs.

The church leadership is committed to promote the welfare of children, young people and adults by:

  • Working to prevent abuse from occurring.
  • Seeking to protect those who are at risk of being abused and respond well to those who have been abused.
  • Take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.

The church leadership recognises the guidance of the Children Law 2008 Guernsey & Alderney.

To fulfill this objective the Church leadership is committed to:

  1. Provide a safe and comfortable environment where a child and adults physical, emotional and spiritual well-being is fostered and protected.
  2. Listen to, relate effectively to and value children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  3. Encourage and support parents and guardians.
  4. Ensure that children’s/youth workers and workers supporting vulnerable adults are given support and training.
  5. Support the Safeguarding team in their work and in any action they may need to take in order to protect children and adults with additional care and support needs
  6. Create procedures designed to ensure staff and volunteers can raise concernsabout wrongdoings without fear of victimisation.


Our current safeguarding Lead is Katie Bassett who may be contacted using the details below if there are any concerns regarding the welfare of a child.   |  01481 242282



Safeguarding Policy Initial Concern Form
Safeguarding Training Thirtyone:eight


Statement Date: February 2024

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New to Guernsey or want to ask a question about anything that goes on at The Rock Community Church? Get in touch, we will be happy to help!